Policy decisions should be based in a cold assessment of costs and benefits. Newsom’s moves to shut down in-state oil production are big on costs – and lack any real benefits.
Disadvantaged communities near California ports already suffer from poor air quality. Choosing to rely fully on foreign oil imports will only make matters worse.
A 30-second Californians for Energy Independence commercial links local production shutdowns to more foreign oil imports and higher fuel costs for working families.
Coastal elites may not notice the impact of Sacramento’s policy decisions, but blue-collar Californians certainly do – and they’ve decided enough is enough.
Despite recognizing a need for more good jobs, Governor Newsom and state legislators keep pursuing new ways to upend the region’s proud blue-collar economy.
If the ‘Future of Work’ Commission were truly interested in preserving quality jobs for California workers, it would call on policymakers to stop killing opportunities provided by the oil and gas industry.
Data shows that calls for a ‘just transition’ are calls for oil and gas workers to take 45% less pay, fewer benefits and less security in their jobs – if they can get one at all.
Data and experience demonstrate that the vague notion of transitioning oil and gas workers to new jobs isn’t anything more than an empty talking point.