Governor Newsom’s failing policies have led to high costs and heavy dependence on foreign oil for basic energy needs. Sacramento must change course in the new year.
Governor Newsom and Sacramento policymakers aren’t leading an energy transition. They’re letting consumers and businesses suffer under politicized energy chaos.
The governor’s profit penalty (tax) scheme would disincentivize badly needed refining output. Economists say that could raise prices and bring back long lines at gas stations due to fuel shortages.
Gas prices are high because oil supply and refining can’t keep up with demand. Raising taxes on oil companies will only discourage production, making matters worse.
Governor Newsom’s energy policies have cost the state 75 million barrels of oil production – equivalent to over 42% of the emergency stockpile releases under President Biden.
Eliminating oil production won’t lower demand for oil. Rather, it will raise costs and make Californians more reliant on foreign regimes for basic energy needs.
Concerns about rising costs and foreign oil dependence are at a fever pitch, complicating Governor Newsom’s latest attempt to shut down oil and gas production.